We pride ourselves in providing the best customer service possible. If you have any queries, questions, compliments, or complaints, feel free to fill in the contact form below and we will get back to you within 24 hours or sooner (weekends might take longer). You can also use the Chat button in the bottom right corner to get in touch.


    We are online-only. We don't do walk-ins at the warehouse at this moment.


    You can give us a call at the following number:

    Bernard: 084 489 4539


    Emails can be sent to or you can use the contact form below. If you want to arrange a size exchange or a refund, click here and fill in the form.

Before you ask, one of these might answer your question...

Can I shop in-store?

We try to be Online only, which gives us the opportunity to lower our overheads and provide better pricing. Get in touch if you aren't comfortable shopping online. We might be able to help you at our premises in Centurion.

What if the size I choose does not fit?

We offer a hassle-free return or exchange process. If it doesn't fit, we arrange a courier to collect and send you a new one, FREE of charge. If there are quality issues or defects, we return and provide a full refund. Click here to request an exchange/refund:

How does delivery work?

We offer free shipping countrywide in South Africa for orders of a R900 or more. For orders less than R900, we charge a flat rate of R60. Shipping usually takes 3 to 5 business days from the day of order.

Is it safe to make card payments on the Classic Cut website?

We offer safe, secure online payments through South Africa's most trusted payment gateways, Payfast and Ozow. Payfast offers credit/debit cards, Instant EFT, mobicred and Zapper. Ozow offers Instant EFT payments.